For Teachers Participating in the Survey
Nā Iʻa Kapu: A Pre-Visit Online Lesson for Hanauma Bay
Aloha, My name is Anne Rosa, and I am a graduate student at the University of Hawaiʻi (UH). A requirement of my Master’s degree program is to conduct a research project. The purpose of my project is to evaluate a web-based instructional module that relates traditional Hawaiian kapu (prohibitions or laws) to the conservation of Hawaiian reef fish in order to prepare 3rd-5th grade students on Oahu for a field visit to Hanauma Bay. Participation in this study will involve the completion of an anonymous on-line (Internet) survey. I am asking you to participate in this project because you are at least 18 years old and an elementary school teacher on the island of Oʻahu.
Project Description: Activities and Time Commitment: Participants will review the web-based instructional module and then fill out a survey that is posted on the Internet. Survey questions are primarily multiple choice. However, there will be several opportunities to expand upon your answer with an open-ended narrative response. Review of the module will take approximately 40 minutes. Completion of the survey will take approximately 20 minutes. Around 15 people will take part in this project.
Benefits and Risks: There will be no direct benefit to you for participating in this survey. The results of this project may contribute to creating a better educational tool for teachers to use to prepare their 3rd-5th grade students for a field visit to Hanauma Bay. There is little risk to you in participating in this project.
Confidentiality and Privacy: This survey is anonymous. I will not ask you to provide any personal information that could be used to identify you. Likewise, please do not include any personal information, such as your name, in your survey responses.
Voluntary Participation: Participation in this project is voluntary. You can freely choose to participate or to not participate in this survey, and there will be no penalty or loss of benefits for either decision. If you agree to participate, you can stop at any time without any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
Questions: If you have any questions about this study, you can contact me at 808-397-5840 & annerosa@hawaii.edu. You can also contact my faculty advisory, Dr. Christine Irvine, at 808-956-3910 & sorens@hawaii.edu. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the UH Committee on Human Studies at 808.956.5007 or uhirb@hawaii.edu.
To Access the Survey: The module and survey and instructions for completing them are found on http://anneros7.wix.com/kapu. Submittal of the survey will be considered as your consent to participate in this study. The direct link to the survey is http://anneros7.wix.com/kapu#!survey/c1256.
Please print a copy of this page for your reference.
You may start the module by clicking on start lesson.